Monday, 26 April 2010

Carpet Flooring

Flooring: it's one of the most conspicuous things in any house, or building of any type. Why? you might ask. After all, no-one looks down at their feet when they walk into a room. They notice the color of the walls first, or the paintings, or the curtains. Or any number of things. The floor is usually last.

This is true. We don't usually notice the floor. At least not in a visual way. But what we do notice about it is the feel. Hard or soft. And whether or not it sounds hollow or solid. When it comes down to it, the type of flooring we have in our rooms is one of the thing which really gives it character.

Now, many people think of carpet when they think of flooring. It's what usually comes to mind. But there's more to flooring than carpet. A lot more.

And for my money, there is nothing to beat a non-carpeted floor. Whether it's a laminate floor, a vinyl floor, cork floor, or even the old-fashioned hardwood floor, there's something about all these types of floors that impart a real touch of elegance and permanence to a room. And that's what we're looking to achieve in any room, right?

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